Advertising World Gains Transparency with Blockchain

Even though crypto investors seem to be less and less likely to become multimillionaires, blockchain technology continues to grow stronger and influence industries.

Can blockchain technology, which is a revolutionary structure in many areas from the banking sector to privacy in the digital world, can create a new model in the problem of transparency in advertising access and costing of purchased media, which is one of the most discussed issues in advertising from past to present?

These two issues can seriously affect both advertisers and end users, especially in the digital advertising axis. Even if these problems are ignored, it is certain that the revolutionary transformation to be created with blockchain will wake everyone from their sleep.

Even Facebook and Google, the biggest owners of the advertising cake in the digital world, are hesitant to stand out in this transparency. With the decentralized integrity, verification and security structure created by blockchain technology, a solution to be produced about which agency spends where and how much money and how much of it reaches the right places will create striking results for the industry.

As a result, the fact that users who spend time in the digital world, have fun, reach the masses and benefit from it, are actually a product of the digital world in return for the fact that they get them for free, as Berk Kocaman stated in his article "If the product is free, you are the product" is a fact that we must accept.

In the media investment spent by the advertiser, there is a possibility that the platform will bring you together with them, as well as generating income for users to the extent that the content you share and the time you spend have a direct effect. Assuming that the time and data shared by each digital user has a monetary value, there is a possibility that a third platform that will verify this can be a solution to all problems.

One of the applications based on this idea is a new generation internet browser: Brave.

This browser gives you tokens to view content and allows tokens (tokens) to be assigned to content creators according to their preferences. This allows blockchain technology to offer a unique solution for regulating the flow of money between advertisers and content producers in the services offered free of charge on the internet.

The model illustrated by Business Insider Intelligence on the use of blockchain technology in advertising, quoted from Jeff Bullos' blog, will also help to understand the subject:

New applications created with blockchain technology shed light on the direction of the industry. It allows for more transparency, more options, and most importantly, more control.

We don't need a new beacon for measuring and validating internet habits and developing new applications in line with the ultimate goals of marketing. We need to understand and make sense of blockchain technology.

*In this article, compilations were made from the relevant article of the Interesting Engineering platform.


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